The Ravinala

Hi, it's Eloise, and I'm going to tell you about a tree native to Madagascar, the Ravinala.
the Ravinala

The Ravinala is also known as "L'arbre du voyageur" which is French for "the traveler's tree." That is because for a lost thirsty traveler, it is all you need. The legend says that if you are very thirsty, you can get water if you pierce the center of the tree and water will shoot from it, but it will kill the tree. That is not true. You will indeed get water, but the tree is not killed. Personally, I think that that legend is told so that tourists won't go piercing every tree they see. The reason that it doesn't kill the tree is that the water that comes out is actually rainwater stashed between the thick leaves, so it doesn't have anything to do with the tree itself. But the water is not the only useful thing about the Ravinala. The leaves can be used as
piercing for water
bundles of leaves to make houses.
plates, spoons, and a cup. Also, the trees can serve as a compass, as they are always facing the sun, so they show where  north or south are. People also use the Ravinala leaves and stems to make their houses. If you are in trouble in Madagascar, find a Ravinala! Thank you! see you soon!
inside of a Ravinala house. Ravinala leaves are used to make the roof and the stems are to make the walls.

roof made of Ravinala.

houses made of Ravinala


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